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Street Football at SCI Salou

December 20, 2023

Street Football was a big hit with the players at Surf Cup International in Salou.  The idea was to give the players from the 22 different countries another way to engage with each other. Global Soccer Alliance CEO Joe Bradley said “GSA Events provides life changing experiences and opportunities through our International Tournaments.  The Street Football concept was a way to provide a further opportunity for the players from the 22 different countries at SCI Salou to engage with each other.” The Street Soccer plan was simple: one goal wins, winner stays on, 4v4 and you can only play with one of your teammates from your club.  The sound system and the commentary from the GSA Staff helped create a fun and exciting atmosphere. Street Football has been recognized by FIFA on many occasions, including the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup where they held an event to bring together people from all over the world in unity and inclusion. EA Sports has a Street Football game that replicates the creativity and enjoyment the game brings to its players. Street Football is a fun and effective way to practice agility and technical skills, making it extremely impactful on the development of some of the world’s best players. “It was great to see players from countries like Estonia, the US and Brazil communicate with each other through soccer” said Bradley.  “The Street Football was very well received and we now plan to replicate the concept at as many GSA Events as possible.  We think this is a tremendous addition to what is quickly becoming one of the best youth tournaments in the world.”
